Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week 2: PD in 5 minutes or Less

I am out of the district for training on Friday, but I wanted to keep up with my goal of a new idea presented at our staff meetings each week. I decided to create a quick video with iMovie using some of the clips from the Graphite website to share with the staff.

Weekly PD: Week 1

Along with my goal to blog more regularly, I also have the goal to bring something new to the staff each week in 5 minutes or less. My goal is to "plant seed"s of ideas each week, not necessarily to "teach" the staff how to use a particular program or technique in their instruction. For the first week of my 5 minute "ads" I introduced Classcraft as a behavior management tool.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Day 2 Shared/Guided Reading Coaching

#newschoolyear resolution:

Shared Reading
Guided Reading
Recording my Lessons in Order to Reflect 

Today was the second day I modeled Barnhouse strategies in both shared and guided reading. I was a little disappointed in the guided reading lesson from Monday. I found it very helpful when I taped the whole group reading lesson on Monday so I made sure to video tape the small groups I met with today (Tuesday).

I made sure to complete running records with the text to make sure that the students were reading at their instructional reading level during guided reading. I was a little concerned about the conversation in the two groups I met with in the morning. I met with the reading specialists in the building to brainstorm ways to get the kids to "Notice" details about the text without directing them to details.

I was very happy with how the small groups went today. It went so much better than Monday. On my Monday I went against my instincts for teaching guided reading and spent too much time on vocabulary instead of jumping right into the text; which is what I normally would do.

I will continue to note what worked well with the students and recording my lessons. I was able to keep track of how long I gave for wait time, calling on a variety of students, and techniques used for behavior management. I also recorded some of the students' responses so I could share that information easily with resource teachers and the classroom teacher.