Monday, August 31, 2015

Whole Group and Shared Lesson Day 1 Coaching

My goal for the school year (new school year resolution) was to blog more. The beginning of the year has be really crazy traveling between three different buildings. This week my focus is supporting some different teachers in our reading block. The teachers at my school use Dorothy Barnhouse's reading strategies for teaching reading. The Barnhouse strategies encourages students to have real discussions about books and naturally use different reading strategies. The teacher names the strategy that the student uses (Wow, that was a really short explanation that does not do it justice. The students end up having wonderful discussions about text!).

Today I was lucky enough to begin in a classroom and model both shared and guided reading. It is so different to go into classrooms where I don't know the students; unlike when I had my class and I could predict how the students would respond to questions and be able to catch most behavior problems before they occurred. I made sure to begin the lesson with a quick assessment using red/green cards. I do not know if the students were comfortable with holding up the red side of the card to admit they were unsure about the statements I made. It was a little difficult to get a full class assessment using this method today (this may be more effective after I visit the classroom and build relationships with the students).  Below is the lesson plan for day one shared reading:
The pre assessment ended up taking longer than I had planned, so I needed to rethink my plans for the next day.  We also did not have time to write a story chart in our reader response notebooks because we took extended time on our discussion about the pre assessment prompt. 

Based on the running record data I collected I decided to spend a day on vocabulary with the guided reading groups. I usually jump right into the text during guided reading, but I noted that the students could use support with "debugging" the words before we got started. I also wanted to get to know the students as readers and so for me I like to talk about strategies they use when confronting an unknown word. After meeting with the small groups, I decided to rework the groups for Tuesday. I moved some of the students around so that they would be successful in the text I placed them in (Thank goodness for flexible grouping!).
I was a bit disappointed with how I scaffolded the first two groups I met with in guided. After the lesson I met with the reading specialist to see how I could increase the small group conversation with the groups that need a bit more support. She suggested that before scaffolding the questions/prompts I give the students, I should narrow down the text, sentence-by-sentence if I need to. The last two groups I met with seemed excited about the text I gave them and were reading to annotate like crazy and talk about patterns within the text.
I think it will go much more smoothly tomorrow now that I have completed running records with most students as well as asked comprehension questions. I have a better idea about how the students are as readers.