Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 1 Tinkering and Frolycing

We had a bumpy start to the first day. Half of my class is in gifted art and were out during part of science centers. The other half of the students began taking some of the objects apart. A few things got broken out of excitement and we had to stop and review expectations.

The students were expected to reflect using Frolyc. I made a mistake and it did not allow the students to respond to one out of the three questions, but other than that, it went very well. The students had an easy time reflecting.

I began collecting the responses from the students as they were saving their work! The example below was asking the students to draw a diagram or a sketch of what they could create from the materials they used.

I took charge of organizing the materials back in place, but the students will began taking on more responsibility with this in the near future.

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